Tuesday, January 4, 2011

3 - After 2.5 Hours of Sleep

3 - After 2.5 Hours of Sleep, originally uploaded by carolfoasia.

Two cups of chai tea at Nirvana was too much. I was up all night and didn't fall asleep until noon the next day. Took a shower and ready for guests on Tuesday night.


  1. you look way too good for only that much sleep!

  2. Me again....
    what I meant by Carol original is...
    did you think of that cool idea of putting your face in the lens???

  3. No Cheri (the Radiant Little Tulip - LOL)! I just was snapping away and noticed that my reflection was in the lens. It thought it was appropriate for my first self-portrait of 365!

  4. Love this self portrait and the reflection!

  5. Very cool! I love self-portraits.

  6. I forgot how much I love them too. I am making my 2007 pics into a book, and I forgot about how fun self-portraits were. I am going to try to do at least one a month.

  7. Such a neat photo with the reflection! I only wish I looked as good on as little sleep.
