Sunday, February 6, 2011

36 - Samira and Me and Coffee

36 - Samira and Me and Coffee, originally uploaded by carolfoasia.
I just love this photo of Samira and me! I love the woman listening to the iPod in the background. I love that both arms are reaching out to the camera as in a hug. We are going to try to get together every Saturday morning. We had so much to talk about today!


  1. I love the iPod lady in the background too. That's one of my most favorite things about this project are the little finds in the photos we take. They make pictures so much more interesting. What's the story on Samira? She's beautiful. Are you discipling her?

  2. The lady with the iPod is so much into her own world! Glad she got included. :-)

  3. I like the hug! Hugs to you, too. :-) So glad you and Samara enjoy each other.

  4. Genuine joy in that smile! Samira has beautiful eyes too!

  5. Great shot that tells such a fun story!

    I like catching up with you in the 'batches' when you post them :)
